21+ Status - Alcohol in Residence Halls, Villages, and Approved University Housing
The possession, consumption, use, production, or sale of alcohol is prohibited in all Residence Halls and all common areas inside and outside of all university residential properties. All members of the campus community and guests are expected to abide by Indiana State Law and university policies governing the possession, consumption, use, production or sale of alcohol. Students who are of legal drinking age and live in Village properties or are assigned a room in an Approved University Housing unit (fraternity houses) can apply for 21+Status. The 21+ Status allows students of legal age to possess and consume alcohol within certain university guidelines. Students living in residence halls are not able to obtain 21+ Status.
It is each student’s responsibility to maintain legal limits of alcohol consumption. In the State of Indiana, the legal limit is .08. Students are subject to Indiana State Law in all cases of possession, consumption, and supplying of alcohol.
21+ Status in Village Properties
Village properties include UE apartments, houses, Jones Hall, and Townhouses. Village units refer to the assigned living spaces within the properties. The 21+ Status program allows residents of Village units who are 21 years of age or older to possess and consume alcohol responsibly within their assigned residence if 21+ Status is obtained. Once all residents of a unit applies for and receives 21+ Status, those students are allowed to engage in the responsible consumption of alcohol within their assigned residence and in accordance with the 21+ Status program.
If granted 21+ Status, all alcohol must be consumed within the assigned unit with exterior doors and windows closed. Alcohol is not permitted in any common areas of an apartment building (ie. Lounges, corridors, outside of the unit on porches, lawns, etc). All alcohol must be in a contained access environment within the assigned unit.
All residents of the Village unit are responsible for all guests, regardless of who invited the guests or served the individual(s) prior to their arrival or during their visit.
Violation of 21+ Status policies may result in the removal of approved status as well as a range of disciplinary action as listed under the general Alcohol Policy.
21+ Status in Approved University Housing (Fraternities)
Fraternities at the University of Evansville are required to follow all campus policies and procedures in order to maintain approved university housing status. The fraternity organization must annually approve their willingness for 21+ status applications to be approved before 21+ Status applications will be considered within that property. If a fraternity does not allow 21+ status within their property, the fraternity will not be eligible to host social functions in the house with alcohol present.
If approved by the Fraternity, students living in Approved University Housing may apply for 21+ status for their assigned room. All members of that room must be 21 years of age in order for an application to be granted.
If granted 21+ Status, all alcohol must be consumed within the assigned room with room doors and windows closed. Alcohol is not permitted in common areas within a building, or outside of the unit on porches, lawns, etc. All alcohol must be in a contained access environment.
All residents of the room are responsible for all guests, regardless of who invited the guests or served the individual(s) prior to their arrival or during their visit.
Violation of 21+ Status policies may result in the removal of approved status as well as a range of disciplinary action as listed under the general Alcohol Policy.
Applying for 21+ Status
Students assigned to Village properties or University Approved Housing who are 21 years of age or older (or will be during that Semester) may apply for 21+ Status. Approval is granted based on the successful completion of the following:
- All residents of the Village unit or Fraternity room have applied for 21+ Status.
- All members of the Village unit or Fraternity room must be 21 years of age in order for an application to be approved and recognized by the university
- For applicants turning 21 during that semester, approval will be activated upon successful completion of the program and one’s birthday.
- 21+ Training Workshop: All residents living in the Village unit or Fraternity room view the 21+ Training Workshop. This presentation is in digital format on our 21+ Application page. It is your responsibility to view the workshop presentation.
- 21+ Quiz: All residents living in the Village unit or Fraternity room must successfully complete an on-line 21+ Quiz. This quiz covers essential topics from the 21+ Training Workshop. A link to this Quiz is available at the end of the workshop and on our 21+ Application page. All answers must be 100% correct for successful completion.
All residents of the Village unit or Fraternity room must apply and be approved for 21+ Status before alcohol is permissible within the unit. See our 21+ Application page for links to the Training Workshop and the 21+ Application/Quiz.
Required Education
The education components of the 21+ Status application process include an overview of Indiana State Law and general University of Evansville policies including:
- Laws prohibiting the production, manufacture, or sale of alcohol
- Dram Shop, Social Host liability, and laws prohibiting supplying alcohol to people under the age of 21
- Permissible quantities and types of alcohol allowed
- Restrictions on open source alcohol and drinking games
- Responsibility for guests under the age of 21
- Recognition of the signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning.
- Bystander Intervention and Responsible Good Neighbor Policy – assisting and seeking appropriate assistance for those who have consumed too much alcohol or are in a potentially dangerous situation
- The 21+ Status Application and education sessions are available throughout the course of each semester. It is the resident’s responsibility to complete the process as outlined on the residence life website.
Permissible Quantities and Types of Alcohol
While this policy allows for alcohol to be present in university properties where 21+ Status has been approved, the amount of alcohol must be “reasonable” for personal consumption within a certain amount of time for the number of residents of that individual property.
The type of alcohol is limited to beer, malt beverages, wine coolers, and hard cider (no more than 8% alcohol) and wine (no more than 15% alcohol).
Because of the property configurations, approved university housing units (fraternities) are required to have all alcohol stored in personal rooms where 21+ Status has been granted. Alcohol is not permitted to be stored in common areas such as kitchens or areas where there are communal refrigerators.
Quantities of alcohol allowed to be stored by each resident living in a 21+ Status property is limited to a combination of two of the following items:
- One 6 Pack of 12 oz. Beer, Malt Beverage, Wine Cooler, or Hard Cider (No more than 8% alcohol)
- One 4 Pack of 16 oz. Beer, Malt Beverage, Wine Cooler, or Hard Cider (No more than 8% alcohol)
- One Standard Bottle of Wine (No more than 15% alcohol / 26 oz. / 750 ml)
Visitors to 21+ Status Village Units
Visiting guests who are of legal drinking age are allowed to bring one of the following to the 21+ Status Village Unit:
- One 6 Pack of 12 oz. Beer, Malt Beverage, Wine Cooler, or Hard Cider (No more than 8% alcohol)
- One 4 Pack of 16 oz. Beer, Malt Beverage, Wine Cooler, or Hard Cider (No more than 8% alcohol)
- One Standard Bottle of Wine (No more than 15% alcohol / 26 oz. / 750 ml)
All residents of the 21+ Status Village Unit are responsible for the behavior of their visitors at all times, as well as ensuring the consumption of any alcohol within the unit is done so legally and responsibly by everyone present.
Transporting of Alcohol on Campus
Residents living in a 21+ Status property are allowed to transport no more than a 12-pack of 12 oz. containers or 2 standard bottles of wine to their residence. Visiting guests of legal drinking age are allowed to transport no more than one of the items listed under the Permissible Quantities and Types of Alcohol section. All transportation of alcohol must be in a closed nontransparent box or bag.
Hard Liquor / Open Source Alcohol / Mixed Alcohol
The following items are not permitted at the University of Evansville regardless of one’s age:
- Hard liquor (considered anything with an alcohol content over 15% alcohol) is not permitted.
- Open Source alcohol including kegs, mini-kegs, beer balls, growlers, punch bowls, wine in bottles or boxes larger than 26 fluid ounces or 750 ml., or any other large containers of alcohol accessible from a common area refrigerator or liquor cabinet.
- Mixed Alcohol: There is to be no mixing or application of alcohol in a way in which it is not originally sold from a store. Mixed or blended drinks are not allowed. Jungle juice, made up of multiple kinds of alcohol is not allowed. This includes the production, infusion, and/or or manufacture of any kind of alcohol within the village unit or approved university housing property. Examples of this include: Homemade beer or wine, Apple Pie Shine, Jello-Shots, or alcohol infused candy or fruit.
“Bar” Systems
No residents may develop a “bar” system, in which guests purchase alcohol from the residents of that property. The sale of alcoholic beverages by a non-bar/tavern establishment, violates state and federal distribution laws. Violation of this policy may result in immediate termination of 21+ Status, university disciplinary action, and possible legal action.
Drinking Games
All forms of drinking games are prohibited. The definition of a drinking games includes, but is not limited to, the consumption of alcohol encouraged by those participating in the activity. Examples include taking shots of alcohol, doing beer bongs, chugging, keg stands, beer pong, dares, flip cups, quarters, or any other activity involving the consumption of alcohol which the consumption of alcohol involves duress or encouragement to drink.
Where Alcohol can be Consumed: The use of alcohol should be confined to the interior of the approved unit. Visible use of alcohol outside the unit or other exterior portions of the property is not permitted. Residents are also required to keep windows and exterior doors closed when alcohol is being consumed.
Display of Alcohol Related Items: No residents of a 21+ Status property may intentionally or unintentionally advertise or display alcohol products that can be viewed by those outside of the unit. This includes neon signs, banners, flags, bottles, cans, or any item with an alcohol product name displayed on the outside of the unit or in a window. Also, no empty containers may be displayed as decoration or “trophies” within a unit. Such displays are a violation of university policy.
Disposal of Empty Alcohol Containers: Residents are expected to keep the inside and outside of their unit/property clear of alcohol containers and products. All empty alcohol containers should be disposed of properly. Cans and bottles can be recycled in comingled containers provided for houses and townhouses. Only aluminum cans can be recycled in Jones Hall and Village apartments (bottles in these properties must be disposed of in trash containers or taken to a recycler that accepts glass products). Alcohol containers should never be overflowing from trash or recycling containers. Discarded alcohol containers, cups associated with alcohol consumption, and broken glass around the outside of the property may be seen as a violation of health and safety of the property and may result in suspension of 21+ Status and additional disciplinary action.
Guests and Alcohol Related to 21+ Properties
Residents who have been approved for 21+ Status may host guests within their unit or room who are of legal drinking age. These guests may bring alcohol to the residence (See Permissible Quantities and Types of Alcohol). The host assumes responsibility for all behaviors, including that of their guests.
Each resident within a 21+ Status property is allowed no more than 2 guests of legal drinking age when alcoholic beverages are being consumed. (i.e. 2 guests / 1 resident present, 4 guests / 2 residents present, 6 guests / 3 residents present, 8 guests / 4 residents present)
- In 21+ Status Village units, the combined number of people is not to exceed 12 including occupants and the corresponding ratio of guests. If the combined number of residents that are present is less than 4, then there should be no more than 2 guests for every resident present. No official social events or parties registered with the University of Evansville’s Center for Student Engagement may take place at Village properties.
- In Approved University Housing where there are 21+ Status rooms, the combined number of people is based on the 2/1 ratio and is not to exceed 4 guests and 2 residents. All students in the room must be 21 or over. Alcohol in approved rooms must be consumed within that room with the door closed.
Residents are responsible for all behaviors that take place within their unit, including that of their guests. It is the residents’ responsibility to ask their guests to leave if any of the following occurs:
- the total number of guests in their unit exceed the limited number.
- the people present exceed noise limits, or violate behavior standards (See Behavior within 21+ Status Properties below).
- there are multiple room gatherings on a floor, or within an apartment, house, townhouse or fraternity that are part of a joint or progressive drinking event.
- there is drinking in individual fraternity rooms that supplement a social event hosted by the fraternity.
If guest limits, noise, or behavior is problematic or contrary to university policy, University officials may remove guests and enlist the support of law enforcement if there is reason to believe Federal, State, or Local laws are being violated.
Residents are liable for the actions of their guests in accordance with Indiana State Law and University policies. Any damage to University property is considered the responsibility of the resident responsible for the guest.
Residents are subject to Indiana State Law in regards to supplying alcohol to someone under the age of 21. If there are guests under the age of 21, no alcohol is to be consumed or present while that underage guest is visiting the unit or room. If campus officials have reason to believe that residents of a Village or Approved University Housing property are providing alcohol to individuals under the age of 21, all activities of that property may be immediately suspended and disciplinary action may follow.
Behavior within 21+ Status Units or Rooms
Residents with 21+ Status must uphold appropriate behavioral standards to keep their status as a 21+ Unit or room. Behaviors which could violate these standards include, but are not limited to:
- Excessive noise, violation of quiet hour policies
- Belligerence on the part of property residents and/or guests
- Failure to comply with University personnel when responding to issues at that property
- Levels of intoxication which could be detrimental to the health and safety of individuals
- Any behaviors which may be detrimental to the health and well-being of students, guests or the University Community
Confiscation and Disposal of Alcohol: Depending on the severity of the incident, all alcohol on the premises may be confiscated and disposed of by university personnel. If there is reason to believe that residents have violated the guidelines of the 21+ Status policy, the property may be subject to future random inspections.
Violation of Alcohol Policy related to 21+ Status
Violations of the alcohol policy by residents and guests can result in a range of disciplinary action as listed under the General Alcohol Policy. Students who are present in a location where an alcohol violation occurs may be subject to university discipline. Depending on the severity of the incident, 21+ Status may be temporarily or permanently revoked. If residents of a unit have their 21+ Status revoked, the individuals may reapply at the end of the semester or academic year. However, residents with significant records of alcohol policy violations may be denied 21+ Status.
All members of the campus community and guests are expected to abide by Indiana State Law and university policies governing the possession, consumption, use, production or sale of alcohol.
Circumstances when 21+ Status is Adjusted
- In situations where students change residences after receiving 21+ Status, all members of the new Village unit or Fraternity room must have achieved 21+ Status before alcohol can be allowed. Students granted 21+ Status will be able to transfer their status to other Village units or Fraternity room in the future provided the student is in good disciplinary standing and all residents of the new assignment have obtained 21+ Status.
- In situations where a resident living in a 21+ Status property moves out and is replaced by a resident who is under the age of 21, the 21+ Status is automatically terminated for that unit until that student turns 21 and successfully completes the required educational programs.
- Only those who have not yet successfully completed the required educational programs would need to complete these to reactivate 21+ Status.
Students can be subject to disciplinary action if:
- A violation of the general alcohol policy occurs
- A violation of the 21+ Status Policy occurs
- Students are present in a location where an alcohol violation occurs
Office Phone
1-833-BeAnAce (1-833-232-6223)Office Emailuerelations@landaiztc.com
Office Location
1800 Lincoln Ave. Evansville Indiana 47722